DarkSky International restores the nighttime environment and protects communities from the harmful effects of light pollution through outreach, advocacy, and conservation.
What is light pollution?
Light pollution is the human-made alteration of outdoor light levels from those occurring naturally.
What are the effects?
Light pollution disrupts wildlife, impacts human health, wastes money and energy, contributes to climate change, and blocks our view of the universe.

What can be done about light pollution?
Following responsible lighting practices, passing dark sky friendly legislation, and advancing scientific research in this field are just some of the ways light pollution can be solved. You can get involved too!
What we do
Conserving Dark Sky Places around the world
Our International Dark Sky Places program works with communities, parks, municipalities, and the public to certify and protect dark places for humans and wildlife alike.

What we do
Certifying dark sky friendly outdoor lighting
Our DarkSky Approved program works with communities, manufacturers, retailers, designers, and others to evaluate and certify dark sky friendly outdoor lighting equipment, as well as dark sky friendly outdoor lighting projects.

WHat We Do
Public policy
We work with communities and governments to prioritize night sky protection and quality outdoor lighting.

WHat We Do
Education and outreach
We network globally to share information and expertise, and support local efforts though our volunteer Advocates.

WHat We Do
And more…
We collaborate widely, present a global conference for the dark sky movement, and award stellar exemplars.

Get Involved
Chapters near you
Our 60+ international chapters are at the forefront of the dark sky movement. Want to get involved? Find your local chapter: