Dedicate a gift
Gift memberships
Purchase a gift membership on behalf of a friend or family member to invite them into our community and introduce them to our mission. When you make a gift membership, DarkSky will send the giftee:
- A letter of acknowledgment, which includes your name — you may remain anonymous if you like, just let us know.
- A new member packet including the latest issue of Nightscape and more.
We’re currently revamping our Gift Membership form; for now please use the Annual membership form and then email [email protected] with:
- Name of giftee
- Giftee‘s mailing address
- Giftee’s email address
- Any message you want them to receive
- Do you want to be anonymous?
Tribute gifts
Make a one-time commemorative or memorial donation in honor of someone living or deceased.
When you make a gift to honor someone*, DarkSky will send the honoree:
- A letter acknowledging the gift, which includes your name — you may remain anonymous if you like, just let us know.
Please let us know if you think this is a first-time gift so we can welcome the honoree to DarkSky with a new member packet!
If your gift is in memory of someone who is deceased, we‘ll send you the acknowledgment letter.
We’re currently revamping our Tribute Gift form; for now please use the Annual membership form and then email [email protected] with:
- Name of honoree
- Honoree‘s mailing address
- Honoree‘s email address
- Any message you want them to receive
- Do you want to be anonymous?