Your email preferences
We send emails to members, supporters, and donors in order to keep you informed of our work and the progress we make in fighting light pollution, advocating for better outdoor lighting, certifying new Dark Sky Places, and more!
We hope you’ll stay on our email list. Here are some guidelines:
Email lists
Dark Sky Week updates
News and events for International Dark Sky Week, which happens in April each year.
Nightwatch updates
Our monthly newsletter features news about the dark sky movement around the globe, challenges, solutions, and more.
Event updates
News about events such as the Capture the Dark Photo Contest and DarkSky Awards.
Fundraising updates
News about special campaigns like matching grants, special initiatives, and other ways you can financially support the dark sky movement.
Account updates
If you’re a donor or member, these emails are about your account, renewal status, and the like. You cannot unsubscribe from these, unless you delete your membership. We are required by law to retain some donor contact information for a certain period of time.
We hope you’ll stay on our lists!
If you’d like to change your email preferences, do it on this page.
Note: If you choose to unsubscribe from all lists, we cannot add you back. Our email provider disallows it.