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Who we are

Thanks to more than 193,000 supporters, members, and advocates in more than 70 countries, we provide leadership, tools, and resources for individuals, policymakers, and industry, in order to reduce light pollution and promote responsible outdoor lighting that is beautiful, healthy, and functional.

Slideshow of DarkSky volunteers, staff, Advocates, and supporters.
Illustration of a multicultural group of people.

Advocates and Delegates

The champions of the dark sky movement, Advocates and Delegates make up a global network of volunteers educating the public through outreach, working for dark sky protections, passing legislation in the communities, working with businesses and municipalities, leading regional DarkSky chapters, and more.


DarkSky chapters around the world help connect our network of advocates, organize events such as dark sky festivals, conferences, and star parties, educate their communities and government officials about the importance of protecting night skies, and much more.

Illustration of a person presenting to others, pointing at a display poster with infographic data on it.

We are the dark sky movement

Meet some of the DarkSky Advocates who are making a difference in communities all over the globe.


DarkSky’s dedicated staff runs daily operations and programs.

Board of Directors

DarkSky’s board is made up of experts from around the world.


Some of our efforts are guided by dedicated committees. Consider joining one and lending your expertise!

Technical Committee

International Committee

Dark Sky Places Committee

DarkSky Awards Committee

Photo of DarSky Award Winner Cindy Luongo Cassidy

DarkSky Award winners

Each year, DarkSky recognizes and celebrates the incredible achievements of individuals and groups who are committed to our mission to preserve the night.

These leaders play a crucial role in strengthening the global dark sky movement and empowering others in their communities to join the fight against light pollution.

Who we are

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