Materials for educators

Fight for the Stars: Be a Knight for the Night
A light pollution curriculum developed the by DarkSky Texas chapter, with videos and activity sheets for two levels: 1) elementary students and above, 2) middle school students and above.

Wildlife Workbooks
Games and activities about wildlife and light pollution.
Individual activities and games from the Wildlife Workbooks
Ages 5–9
- Animals of the Night Word Search (PDF)
- Lost Moth Dot to Dot (PDF)
Ages 5–12
- Owl Coloring page (PDF)
- Sleep Tight Maze (PDF)
- Turtle Maze (PDF)
Ages 6–12
- Light Pollution and Wildlife Crossword Puzzle (PDF)
- Wildlife_Word_Search (PDF)
- Wildlife_Connect_the_Dots (PDF)
NSF’s NOIRLab resources
NSF’s NOIRLab is the U.S. national research and development center for ground-based, nighttime astronomy. NOIRLab is managed by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.
- Dark Skies Rangers: Dark Skies and Energy Education Ages 11-13
- International Year of Light Quality Lighting Teaching Kit Focus Group Files Ages 12-18
- Globe at Night Citizen-Science Campaign All ages
Other resources
- Protect our Night Sky/Reduce Light Pollution Ages 11-15 (12-page PDF of information and activities from the Bush Telegraph, published by the nonprofit NaDeet, the educational core of NamibRand International Dark Sky Reserve, Africa’s first International Dark Sky Reserve
- Save_the_Stars_Ages 4-8
- Diorama of the Night Art Project Ages 6-12
- Mini Page on Light Pollution Ages 8-10 (four-page PDF about light pollution and good lighting)
- Outdoor Lighting Audit Lesson Plan Ages 14 and older
- Introduction to Lighting PowerPoint Presentation Ages 14 and older

by Jamie Hogan
Ages 5–8, Grades K–3
Tamen aches to see the stars, but none are visible in the light-polluted sky above the fire escape of his urban building. Even in the local park, the stars are hidden by city lights. Tamen’s mom, a nightshift nurse, takes him camping. For one magical night on the shore of a wilderness pond, the Milky Way in all its glory belongs to them.
Purchase: AbeBooks | Amazon
Learn more at jamiehogan.com
Watch an interview with the author/illustrator
Download masks to color and cut out to wear at your own Star Party! (PDF)
DarkSky News posts
Tagged: education, education resources, astronomy education, outdoor education, kids, children’s books