The Business of Being a Community

IDA is Seeking Sponsors to Step Up for Dark Skies
IDA’s mission to protect our world’s dark skies from devastating light pollution calls out to everyone for their own brand of support—something that reflects their unique place on the planet: donations, legislation, art, inventive manufacturing, membership, astro-tourism services, education, advocacy, communication, scientific research, volunteering, and innovative design.
Business sponsors offer non-profit organizations important financial resources to help achieve their missions. Non-profits offer corporate sponsors significant opportunities to be dedicated members of the communities that buy their products and use their services.
IDA is currently seeking sponsors for its 29th Annual General Meeting and Conference in Boston this November. This special event pulls together diverse members of our community for a think-tank of networking that moves us all toward a world where we have visual access to the stars, protect wildlife habitat, save wasted energy, and preserve our quality of life.
Corporations and businesses have a unique role to play in making this gathering possible by helping IDA defray the event’s considerable costs. Sponsorships are an investment in our community of night sky protectors by those with the unique capability of stepping up in this way.
Do you know a company that needs to know about IDA? Help us build our community of support by reaching out to the companies where you do business, by introducing us to corporate decision-makers, by stepping up with the support of your own business.
If you have ideas, connections, or contacts, or if you would like to pledge your business support, please contact IDA’s Associate Director of Philanthropy, Keith Ashley.