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Photo by Jonathan Kim (CC BY-NC 2.0)

As a condition for continued accreditation of International Dark Sky Places (IDSPs), DarkSky International requires each certified Place to submit an annual report on dark sky related activities and conditions. This condition is set forth in the Program Guidelines for each of the International Dark Sky Place certification categories.

The annual reports are important to the relationship between DarkSky International and our International Dark Sky Places. It’s an opportunity to check in each year and let us know about events and progress toward improving nighttime conditions, as well as whether there are any problems or ways in which DarkSky International can help. In turn, DarkSky International uses the annual reports for data and success stories we can share with our membership and the world, showing the many ways IDSPs are leaders in light pollution education. The reports also serve in place of periodic re-accreditation.

When to submit your annual report

Updated November 1, 2024

Annual Reports for 2024 will be due by January 31, 2025. If you are unable to meet this deadline, please get in touch with the Places Program Team to make alternative arrangements to submit your report. 

All newly certified IDSPs are exempt from the annual reporting requirement for the calendar year the certification was awarded. This year, annual reports will be due for all Places certified in 2023 and earlier.

The form to fill out your annual report is linked here (link removed after 1/31/2025). We recommend preparing your answers in a separate document and copy/paste them into the form.

A few important things to note when submitting the online form:

  • Some questions are category-specific (Community, Park, Sanctuary, Reserve, Urban Night Sky Place). If no category is specified in the question, it applies to all Places. Any question with a red asterisk (*) is required, and you must provide information to submit the form.
  • When preparing your report, please answer each question as they apply to this reporting period (January 1, 2024 – January 1, 2025). Follow the directions for each item. Some questions are multiple-choice, some allow for longer text, and some require uploaded information. You will be given an opportunity to provide additional information at the end of the form.

The form is separated into topical sections. As you gather information for your site for the rest of this year, be mindful of these topics so that it will be easy for you to prepare and submit your answers:

  • Night Sky Monitoring
  • Lighting Compliance
  • Outreach, Education & Media
  • Partnerships
  • Success in Light Pollution Control
  • Leadership & Future Threats
  • Change in Ownership/Size/Access
  • Other Information

We recommend downloading and completing this annual report document prior to filling out the form.

Meeting the annual report requirements and maintaining certification in good standing

Each IDSP is responsible for keeping a consistent line of communication with DarkSky International staff. If an IDSP has a new point of contact, they must contact DarkSky International with the updated contact information. DarkSky International respects our mutual relationship and will help you during this as much as you need, including providing email reminders with the new annual report deadline and a brief list of the requirements required.

As an International Dark Sky Place, you are at the forefront of the dark sky movement, further pushing the boundaries of the best lighting practices and encouraging people of all ages and backgrounds to look up and be in awe of the stars above. Without your continued efforts to educate, inspire, and monitor this resource, DarkSky International would not be able to continue to advocate and protect dark skies across the globe. We depend on you to maintain your long-term commitment to dark skies and uphold the renowned title of this Program and this movement. We are here to help you meet your goals and maintain your certification. Do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns or for guidance. This is a team effort!

Additional Resources

For examples of past annual reports, see the individual pages for International Dark Sky Places and look under “Documents.”