How we work with Corporate Partners
Our vision is a world where people and businesses come together to protect, value, and share the night sky. Our Corporate Partners make DarkSky’s voice stronger and are invaluable to fulfilling our mission.
Benefits of corporate partnership may include:
- Customized packages
- Media exposure
- Shared fundraising campaigns
- Program and event underwriting opportunities
- Educational experiences for your employees and clients
- Featured newsletter articles highlighting our shared vision
Protecting the night sky from light pollution is a critical mission that supports human health, preserves wildlife habitat, saves energy, and allows everyone to enjoy celestial objects only seen at night.
With our Corporate Partners, global Advocates, and members, we protect and restore the natural nighttime environment through education and outreach, public policy, conservation, and the certification of environmentally responsible outdoor lighting.
Through our Corporate Partners program, your company can meet its social responsibility goals, and increase your connection to an important and productive environmental cause that has an impact on every living creature (including humans) on Earth.
Our commitment to our partners provides opportunities to educate, advocate, and build visibility by promoting our shared values. We are committed to helping our Corporate Partners with recognition on our website and social media platforms, and in our e-newsletters. DarkSky has:
- 5 Million+ participants in global events
- 185,000+ social media followers
- 20,000+ e-news subscribers
- 90,000+ monthly website visitors
- 65+ chapters around the globe
More info
Corporate Partnership Package 2024
For more detailed information about our sponsorship levels, contact [email protected].