Responsible outdoor lighting

Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting
Too often, outdoor electric lighting installations at night are over lit, are left on when not needed, and are harmful to the environment. As a result, light pollution is a growing global issue that can negatively affect our environment as well as our quality of life. By joining forces, our shared goal is to prevent and reduce light pollution through the proper application of quality outdoor electric lighting
Values-Centered Outdoor Lighting
This approach to lighting design, installation and operation interprets and expands on the Five Principles for Responsible Outdoor Lighting to give users maximum flexibility in how they apply lighting in outdoor contexts to best meet their needs while reducing light pollution.
Outdoor lighting basics
Everything you wanted to know about the basic of outdoor lighting, including the different types of light and correlated color temperature (CCT).
Find Dark Sky Approved lighting
DarkSky maintains a searchable database of lighting products certified to minimize glare, reduce light trespass, and help protect the night sky. Search our database or look for the DarkSky Approved logo on outdoor lighting at your local retailer.
Lighting ordinances
Find out if your town has an outdoor lighting law and how to get it enforced. No outdoor lighting law in your area? Learn how to advocate for one!
Lighting for policy makers
Outdoor lighting laws are important for protecting the night sky and wildlife, enhancing safety, and saving money. Learn what your municipality needs to consider when implementing an outdoor lighting plan.
Model lighting laws and policy
To help municipalities create environmentally friendly outdoor lighting plans, DarkSky has created useful model lighting laws and guidelines.
Assess your home’s lighting
One of the first things you can do to help reduce light pollution and light trespass is inspecting the outdoor lighting at your home to make sure it’s being used responsibly.
My neighbor’s lighting
Are your neighbor’s lights shining on your property and home? Learn how to talk to your neighbor to resolve this problem.
Bad streetlights
Do you have a problem with outdoor municipal streetlights lighting up your property? Here are some tips for working with public officials to get the lights shielded.
DarkSky guidance for electronic messaging centers (EMCs)
When installed and operated in accordance with DarkSky’s Guidance for Electronic Messaging Centers, EMCs that replace traditional billboards can actually create a net reduction in sky brightness.